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This Warta Pemilu Blog is dedicated for monitoring the preparation, implementation of election campaign, debate, discussion and seminar on the Indonesian Election in 2009 to elect the Indonesian Parliament Members and members of the National Consultative Assembly, and particularly the implementation of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election for period of 2009-2014.

You are invited to join and participate in the various discussion foroms, debate and comment on the following articles.
Blog WARTA PEMILU ini didedikasikan untuk memantau persiapan, pelaksanaan kampanye, diskusi dan seminar tentang pemilu, debat Capres, pemantauan hasil polling dan hasil pemilihan Presiden, Wakil Presiden, Caleg, Gubernur dan Bupati.

Silahkan para pemirsa berpartisipasi aktif dalam berbagai topik diskusi dan pembahasan dalam Blog ini, tanggapan, pendapat dan saran-saran yang positif untuk perbaikan dan kemajuan bangsa dan negara.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Serba-serbi Pemilu Legislatif 2009: Caleg yang berhasil bergembira dan yang kalah Stress berat

  • Ada Caleg yang langsung meninggal saat tahu bahwa dirinya tak masuk DPR atau DPRD.
  • Ada Caleg yang langsung mengambil kembali Karpet yang Ia sumbangkan ke Masjid ketika Kampanye Pemilu Legislatif y.l. karena tahu kalah.
  • Ada Caleg di Sulawesi Selatan yang langsung menutup jalan desa yang disumbangkan Kakeknya, ketika Ia tahu kalau kalah.
  • Artis Diah Pitaloka (si Oneng) mengungguli perolehan suara Taufik Kiemas Caleg Nomor 1 PDIP di Jabar
  • Artis Wanda Hamidah dan Mandra unggul dalam perolehan suara untuk DKI. Agung Laksono terlempar dari DPR. Wanda hanya jual mobilnya untuk ongkos kampanye.
  • Ustadz H. Ujang Hambali dari Cirebon sudah menangani 21 orang Caleg yang stress karena gagal di Pemilu Legislatif. 10 orang stress berat, satu orang jadi gila. Mereka ada yang dari kalangan pengusaha, pejabatlurah, dan pengangguran. Penyebab stress adalah karena utang yangmenumpuk dari Rentenir, ada yang sudah tidak punya rumah lagi karenadigadaikan, dan belum lapor anak-istri. Ada yang ditingalkankeluarganya. Yang diterima pak Ustadz Ujang adalah yang laki2, sebab ada Caleg perempuan yang terus-menerus menangis karena menyesal jadi Caleg yang gagal, akhirnya setelah diberi nasehat pak Ustadz, ia diminta pulang saja.
  • Caleg yang stress disebabkan mereka merasa ditipu oleh para Tim Sukses yang meminta biaya macam-macam, seperti untuk sewa kendaraan angkutan para supporters agar dapat hadir di lokasi Kampanye, memberikan upah pada para peserta kampanye, pembuatan umbul-umbul, spanduk, poster dan lain-lain lagi.
  • Permintaan para Caleg yg lagi stress macam-macam, ada yang minta karaokean, ada dansa ajojing, ada yang teriak-teriak, dan lain-lain. Sebagai info, pak Ustadz Ujang mengeluarkan biaya hampir Rp 5 juta per hari untuk menangani para Caleg yang stress, namun beliau tidak minta bayaran apa-apa, kecuali sumbangan sukarela. Kalau ada Caleg yang gagal, silahkan hubungi beliau di desa Mundo Kabupaten Cirebon untuk konsultasi gratis.

Hasil Quick Count: Partai Demokrat unggul, PDIP dan Golkar menyusul

  • Dari sampel awal Quick Count sebanyak 2.100, TPS yang berhasil diamati sekitar 2.092 (99.6%).
  • TPS yang tidak berhasil diamati yaitu empat (4) TPS berasal dari Kabupaten Flores Timur dan Kabupaten Lembata. Di kedua Kabupaten di Provinsi NTT tersebut ditunda pemungutan suaranya hingga tanggal 14 April 2009 karena hari besar keagamaan.
  • Sementara empat (4) TPS lainnya berasal dari Provinsi Papua. Dua TPS tidak bisa dipastikan informasinya karena faktor geografis, sementara dua TPS lainnya masih tertunda pemungutan suaranya karena masih terjadi konflik komunal.
  • Berikut adalah prediksi pemenang Pemilu berdasarkan Quick Count Lembaga Survei Indonesia:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ramalan Hasil Pemilu Legislatif 2009 oleh Lembaga Survey PUSKAPTIS

Sebuah Survey yang digelar oleh Pusat Kajian Kebijakan dan Pembangunan Strategis (PUSKAPTIS) dari tanggal 16 Maret s/d 24 Maret 2009 yang melibatkan 1.250 Respondents di 33 Provinsi, 300 Kecamatan dan 600 Desa, dan dengan Margin of Error 3% dan Tingkat Keyakinan 95% menghasilkan sebagai berikut:

  1. PDIP = 19,60%
  2. Partai Demokrat = 19,18%
  3. Partai GOLKAR = 18,25%
  4. PKS = 8,78%
  5. PPP = 3,50%
  6. Gerindra = 2,46%
  7. PAN = 2,18%
  8. PKB = 1,57%
  9. Hanura = 1,35%
  10. PBB = 0,35%
  11. PDS = 0,19%
  12. GOLPUT dan Partai2 liannya = 35% - 40%

Oleh karena Survey tersebut diatas adalah sampling untuk hampir seluruh Indonesia, maka Hasil Pemilu Legislatif tanggal 9 April 2009 y.a.d. untuk Kota-kota Besar di Pulau Jawa akan sangat berbeda hasilnya. Dari pengamatan saat Kampanye yang lalu, diperkirakan PKS akan mencapai mayoritas suara di Jakarta. Demikian pula Gerindra dan Hanura yang diprediksi akan menjadi Kuda Hitam Pemilu 2009 akan mencapai suara yang lebih besar dari angka-angka tersebut diatas untuk kota-kota besar di Pulau Jawa.

Leadership, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Programs

With Election Polling Day of April 9, 2009 is nearing, many people are still wondering whos Party or Legislative Candidate or Presidential Candidate will be his or her best choice. In order to assist the undecided voters, we would like to give a short advise about their best choice:

1. Leadership: Who can be called a Leader? A leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.

2. Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Programs:

A leader must have a good future view or a dream or a vision of the country that he/she is leading: A just, prosperous and democratic country of Indonesia, which would provide good employment for all of the people, sufficient salary to pay for monthly living needs, peace and welfare for all of the people of Indonesia.

In order to realize his/her vision, he/she must be able to express clearly and logically how he/she would like to do when he/she is elected as a Leader through a short term statements of Mission, Objectives, Strategy and programs. These statements are very important for all of the people to understand and follow up during his/her term as a Leader of the country. People can also see if these statements are realizable or not, or just empty slogans to please the voters.

Strategy statement is an explanation of how he/she would achieve the mission and objectives which he/she has made, through a clear, logical, clever, creative and strategic way that can be realized in practice.

Programs are the details of his/her main programs which he/she will execute for the duration of his/her term as a Leader of the country.

A better way for a good Leader is if he/she could express clearly his/her first 100-days Programs as a clear indication of his/her best and correct choice of the most important actions to be done to significantly impact the improvement to the condition of the country he/she is leading. A good example of the Fiist 100-days Program of a Leader is shown by President Barrack Obama of the USA, whom he had shown to follow it as accurately as possible, and did give an impact to the improvement of the country’s condition.

If any Legislative Candidate has not made the above mentioned statements, then he/she only have a few days left to make it or amend it. However, for a Presidential Candidate, he/she still have exactly three months to make the required statements or to improve or to amend them.

It is interesting to see how the current positioning of Presidentail Candidates as given in the following two Election Pollings:

Whether having the suggested statments of Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Programs could alter the above Election Polling result remain to be seen in three moths time.

We hope the above information will be useful for making your correct decision of our future leaders.

May God bless us all.

Economic Challenges for Presidential Candidates 2009

The Legislative Election is only a few days to come, yet many people still do not know the reason why they should choose one or another party or candidate, because they can only see a few parties’ banners, slogans or promises along the Indonesian road sides. During the past four-and-a-half year of the current government of President SBY and Vice President Jusuf Kalla, people were experiencing risning oil, food, and basic needs prices, growing unemployment, and growing number of poor people. The current Global Financial Crises only added up to the economic problems of Indonesia, causing reduction in export, business trade, rising US Dollar exchange rate and the fall of domestic shares prices.

People are wandering if the results of the current Legilstive Election and Presidential Election could improve the Indonesian economic condition and improve the people’s welfare in general, because only a few candidates could express logically and clearly if they are elected, they will execute economic improvement programs for the country during their five-year rule. Most candidates could only make good promises without any futher explainations.

However, we were lucky to watch a discussion program on “Economic Challenges” a few days ago at Metro-TV, presenting Dr. Pande Raja Silalahi from CSIS and Dr. Hendri Saparini from ECONID. The two speakers were basically expressing the positioning of “established” presidential candidates: SBY, JK and Megawati; and the “alternate” presidential candidates: Wiranto, Probowo and Rizal Ramli.

The economic policy of the “established” presidential candidates in principle is to start with existing economic conditions, and gradually improving without much significant changes to the existing system. They also welcome the foreign investors and foreign role in the development of Indonesia.

On the other hand the economic policy of the “alternate” presidential candidates in principle is to reject foreign domination in the development of Indonesia, and try to use as much as possible local expertise and resources in the development of Indonesia, and to establish self-sufficiency.

The detailed variation of each presidential candidate economic policy is presented as follows:

  1. The incumbent President SBY: continue the current economic policy of the current Government, because it was considered to be fairly successful.
  2. The incumbent Vice President Jusuf Kalla: (a). Self-sufficiency in rice production; (b). Increase investment; (c). Develop infrastructures.
  3. The former President Megawati: (a). Create cheap supply of basic needs of the people; (b). Create more employments; (c). Improve the welfare of the people.
  4. The alternate Presidential candidate Wiranto: (a). Change economic direction so as to be free from foreign influence; (b). Indonesian natural resources is mainly for the benefit of the Indonesian people.
  5. The alternate Presidential candidate Prabowo: (a). Create a just and right economic policy to ensure the improvement in economic condition of poor people; (b). Peasants and fishermen to become the economic backbone of Indonesia; (c). Developing Indonesia as one of Asian economic “tigers”; (d). Reject the sale of State-owned Enterprises.
  6. The alternate Presidential candidate Rizal Ramli: (a). Nationalization of foreign-owned Indonesian companies; (b). Reject foreign influence in the development of Indonesia; (c). Reject IMF influence.

It is to be noted that the alternate Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto is the most communicative candidate, judging from his almost daily appearance in Indonesian television ads, and his most outspoken views of the future Indonesian economic policy. He is the son of the Indonesian economic “Guru” the late Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djoyohadikusumo.

By knowing the summary of each Presidential candidates, we can now decide whose policy is our best choice to realize the long awaited ideals of the people of Indonesia: A just and prosperous country for all people of Indonesia!

Who is your choice? Please have your comments and suggestions.

On Day-6 Election Campaigning becoming warmer

Today, Saturday March 21, 2009 the situation on all campaigning locations throughout Indonesia were becoming warmer. Presiden SBY with his wife Any Yudhoyono and son Edi Baskoro ware present at Partai Demokrat (PD) campaign at Captain Japa football field, Padanggalak, Denpasar, Bali. The three sang together campaign song of PD “Sempurna” (Perfect) with a few modification of its lyric:

You are my Protector, You are my Leader, You are my Life, Please complete my Life, Oh my Democrate You are ,,, so Perfect..

The Presiden spoke about the successes of his Government that had been achieved up till today. The Padanggalak area was fully filled with PD supporters. Singer Andra and “The Backbone” musical band were present to support the President’s campaign team. The Team arrived in Bali using a Garuda Indonesia Airlines executive class flight and a chartered aircraft.

In Makassar on the same day, Vice President Jusuf Kalla and his family joined the Golkar campaign for the first time, after his absence from campaign activities of Golkar Party for the first few days. The Vice President said that in order to form a strong government, there should be supports from large political parties. The Golkar Party in Makassar support the candidacy of Jusuf Kalla for the coming Presidential Election on July 9, 2009.

In Central Java Chairwoman of the PDIP Megawati Sukarnoputri attended PGIP campaign at the village of Patalan, Jetis, Bantul near Yogyakarta. She was accompanied by Mr. Theo Syafei, the Regent of Bentul Mr. Idham Samawi and Chirman of PDIP Bantul Mr. Joko Purnomo.She warned again about the manipulation of the Fixed Electors List that could cause the failure of the election. She urged all people to exercise their voting rights and asked them not to join the Non-Voters group, because it would distort the democratic process.

Meanwhile Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar at the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) campaign in Subang, West Java was proposed by his supporters to become Presidential Candidate for July 9, 2009 election. He was considered as the most eligible candidate since he is young, smart and popular, and was expected to be able to unwind the complex problems of Indonesia.

In Sunter, Jakarta Partai Gerindra held a campaign attended by Permadi, Rachel Maryam, Halida Hatta and Budi Satrio Djiwandono. Several children were present at the campaign to watch clowns acting at the campaign stage, eventhough the Election rule prevent them from attending campaign.

Prabowo Subianto, the popular Presidential Candidate of Geridra, after discussing the serious errors in Electors List with Megawati Sukarnoputri indicated to propose to delay the 2009 Election to correct errors. However Mr. Fadly Zon, the Deputy Chiaman of Gerindrea said that the election should go ahead as scheduled.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to WARTA PEMILU Blog

This Warta Pemilu Blog is dedicated for monitoring the preparation, implementation of election campaign, debate, discussion and seminar on the Indonesian Election in 2009 to elect the Indonesian Parliament Members and members of the National Consultative Assembly, and particularly the implementation of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election for period of 2009-2014.

You are invited to join and participate in the various discussion foroms, debate and comment on the following articles.
Blog WARTA PEMILU ini didedikasikan untuk memantau persiapan, pelaksanaan kampanye, diskusi dan seminar tentang pemilu, debat Capres, pemantauan hasil polling dan hasil pemilihan Presiden, Wakil Presiden, Caleg, Gubernur dan Bupati.

Silahkan para pemirsa berpartisipasi aktif dalam berbagai topik diskusi dan pembahasan dalam Blog ini, tanggapan, pendapat dan saran-saran yang positif untuk perbaikan dan kemajuan bangsa dan negara.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih.
